Thursday, August 14, 2014

Two months

My baby is two months old today!!  I can't believe how fast/slow the time has gone.  Her due date passed us by yesterday, so I can just start thinking of her as one day old now, right?!?  The great milestone of getting to her due date is that now we can start counting when she will start hitting her milestones.  For premies, most of them are measured by her gestational age. So, we've got a newborn for another 6-8 weeks!

At her checkup on Monday, she weighed in at 6 lbs 3 oz.  We go back next Wednesday for another weight check and her 2 month immunizations.  We have been having such a fun time getting to know her better and savoring every minute we are with her.

In the last week, she has...
Spent more time in her swing,

read lots of books,

gone on a walk every morning,



and showed us more of her silly faces.

We love our Ellie!!!!!


  1. I love those stretchy out legs and puckered lips. Newborns are so cute! Awwwh. Happy 2 month/1 day birthday, Ms. Ellie!

  2. The sleeping picture is my favorite. She is getting so big!! Over 6 pounds?!?!? What a doll baby!

  3. Even though our babies weren't premies, I am doing the exact same thing. Since they were born at 37-2, we are getting some bonus weeks. They technically won't start their "newborn" weeks until August 29th when they'd be 40 weeks. We think alike. Maybe that's why we're friends? :)


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