Monday, August 12, 2013

Richmond & Hampton Court {Day 6}

{Day 6} Richmond and Hampton Court

Wow, what a day!! We took a day trip to see the town of Richmond and Hampton Court.  It was so amazing.  We went by train to Richmond from Waterloo Station.  The English Countryside really is so beautiful and the small town was extremely picturesque (which is one of the reasons this post has about 40 picutres...)!!  I am pretty sure we have all said at least once or twice today that we could totally live here. So, if we don't come'll have a general idea where we are :)

We then took a boat to Hampton Court which is further down the Thames.  This is how Henry VIII and William III and Mary II (the primary residents of Hampton Court) would get to this vast palace, so it was really neat to arrive there the same way they did centuries before.

Our London Walks tour guide was a wealth of information about the palace.  You can read about it {here}. Once we were back in London we had dinner at our London favorite Bella Italia (which we have eaten at 3 times in the last 5 days, if that tells you anything).

Hope you enjoy all of the pictures from today!  Tomorrow, Wesley and I are off to Belgium while Mom, Dad, Kelsey and Issac stay in Britain for two more days.

Until tomorrow! 

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