Friday, June 7, 2013

The Little Things

We have been loving the little things around here lately.  Like how Penny sits outside close to the back door, but always stares off into the yard...she can't ever be too far away from us but will never miss an opportunity to chase a squirrel out of her yard.  Or, trying to make hibachi at home a few weeks ago.  We pulled out the magic bullet for the first time in forever and made the white sauce from scratch.  And I've been day dreaming about putting floor to ceiling bookshelves in our loft once we bequeath the couches that are in there to my sister and her apartment this fall.  We also could not have been more excited to learn that the Piano Guys are really coming to Raleigh in November and we scored sweet orchestra level seats!!

Life is as grand as it's little moments...don't you think?!?
Linking up with Falling for Friday


  1. We are super excited about the Piano Guys coming too!

  2. I'm so jealous about the Piano Guys coming! That will be an awesome concert. And floor to ceiling bookshelves would look amazing in your loft. I wish we didn't live so far away so we could come see everything you have done to your home since we left!


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