This picture is one of my favorites that I took this month. I think I'm starting to get the hang of this photography thing! We had a blast when some of the Honeycutt clan visited earlier in the month. We spent the whole weekend playing with my niece, Maddi, hanging out, and playing NERTS for hours. It's a card game that is very fast paced, and the more players the better!
I've also been loving these things this month:
A few days ago my mom sent me an email to this link. I have no idea how she found it, because it is not something we normally read....but I was laughing so hard at work while I read it!
Have you heard about this art heist?
This dress has saved my Easter. I think I have officially learned my lesson to say NO to treats brought in by reps to the office. My original dress is now my motivator for my anniversary in May.
So on that note, I'm loving this workout.
I can't believe March is almost over and for me the best is yet to come...Easter Weekend and Wesley's Birthday!
Friday, March 29, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Bacon Avocado Salad
Today, I am sharing one of the most delicious salad's I have ever made...bacon avocado! It's such a cinch to put together, so it's one we've gotten into the habit of having on weeknights.
Bacon Avocado Salad
Sping Lettuce Leaf Mix
1/4 cup feta cheese crumbles
2-3 pices of bacon per person, cooked and diced
1 Avocado, peeled and diced
Dressing of your choice (low fat homemade ranch pictured above)
I don't know about you, but I cannot eat a salad without some's just too dry without it. Here are a few Pinterest has deemed too delicious to pass up...
low fat homemade ranch
We used this one that last time we had this may not look like much, but it is really delicious!!
low fat homemade ranch
We used this one that last time we had this may not look like much, but it is really delicious!!
This has been on my to make list. If just sounds so refreshing.
And for the over achiever...
Now go and make a salad for dinner tonight...(or at least the dressing!)
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Wooden Pictures {DIY}
One of my favorite birthday presents was this wooden picture that my sister, Kelsey, made for me. I love all things vintage, personal, and handmade...and this is all three!
Want to make one yourself?!?
Go check out her tutorial here
Monday, March 25, 2013
Our Weekend
Our weekend flew by. The always seem to get shorter. What's up with that? Saturday morning we tried taking a few pictures... Wesley and I couldn't agree on the best place, so while we were arguing discussing, Katie snapped this one. Of course, it turned out to be the best. (I'm not biased or anything...but I was on team outside.)
We decided to tackle the garage as our first spring cleaning project. Shelves were a must, especially for all of the tools Wesley has recently gotten in order to put in the hardwoods a few weeks ago. After several hours of not being able to find studs for the heavy duty brackets he constructed, we finally got the shelves in.
Of course, once the shelves are in and I am able to organize everything, I find the lost stud finder at the bottom of a bucket. Go figure. Now it has it's own space on the peg board we put up. It is definitely my favorite part.
Now I feel pumped and motivated to spring clean the rest of the house. After church on Sunday, we feasted to fondue and then crashed on the couch. I can't remember the last time I had a Sunday nap. So good!
Hope you all had a great weekend!
Linking up with Molly
P.S. Now you can follow with bloglovin!
Friday, March 22, 2013
Friday Letters
Dear quotes that we should have memorized, I think this one is one of the most important. For some reason it can be so easy to think the opposite...but I know it's so important not to. And besides, life is too precious to spend any other way. Here's to love at home... Dear Wesley, you will always be my favorite. Thanks for being patient with my utter exhaustion this week. I guess all of those nights we spent staying up late trying to catch The Daily Show and Conan caught up with me. I'm pretty certain that anything after 10:30 on weeknights are officially past my bedtime. Dear blog, I left you alone for a week but I'm back now. Sometimes you just need some alone time, right?...and I've enjoyed not being caught up in blog-land this past week. Breaks are so good for us, in all areas of life. Being perfectly on top of things 100% of the time, and generally feeling overwhelmed is so overrated. Dear evening sunshine, thank you for coming back. I've missed you so much. You make it possible for me to walk at night after dinner my waistline thanks you too! Now if only this ridiculous cold weather would just go away... Dear hope, you've been a great companion to us this month. I know one day we may not need you as much, but I'm so glad you can exist for the here and now.
Dear weekend, we've got big plans for you.... so don't go by too fast!!
Linking up with Ashley
Friday, March 15, 2013
His Birthday Ideas
Wesley's birthday is coming up soon, so naturally it's all I've been able to think about lately. I know, it seems so spoiler to blog about ideas before his birthday, but trust me... I have my reasons. They may or may not have anything to do with reverse psychology. Or, perhaps I know for a fact that he is pretty much out of touch with any type of social media. I did manage to pull off a surprise party a few years ago that I organized entirely on Facebook. Just saying...
First, I'm in love with this suit. If only he hadn't made the "no clothes for my birthday" rule. Seriously. Second, I've thought about framing a few postcards that he brought back from Belgium and France, where he served his mission. The only reason I'm doubting this one is that it kind of seems self-serving, as I would want to hang them in specific places in the house. Rebuttal? Thoughts? Third, this fantastic chocolate cake. Definitely doing this in conjunction with whatever I end up getting him. Forth, The Hobbit. Someone may or may not already have called dibs on this one. If I told you, I'd have to kill you ;) He is already suspicious since I won't let him buy it when it comes out on Tuesday. Fifth, a lithium ion battery powered drill. We have several cordless drills, but the batteries are completely shot. This Makita is supposed to be one of the top rated ones. I've mentioned it in passing, but alas, wonder-boy has already shot it down.
What do you think. Anything good? Or, is it back to the drawing board?!?
Linking up with Kelly
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Free Font Love
I have officially discovered the world of free fonts. That's why Pinterest is the best, right?!? They are one of my new favorite things to play with. I will confess it took me a little help from Wesley to figure out how to download them. Now I'm a pro. See one, do one, teach one! Here are my favorite collections:
Perfect for St. Patty's Day!
Sail is my absolute favorite one of these
You can never go wrong with vintage
Linking up with Shanna and The Vintage Apple
Monday, March 11, 2013
![]() |
The Magpie, 1868–1869. |
This is one of my favorite Monet's. As spring seems to be peaking it's face out now (finally!), I figured it was the last possible time I could share it for a while. Several years ago, I went to France with a small school group. We traveled in Paris and the Provence regions for a week, and then headed to Nice for the last week. Language school in the mornings, lazy afternoons on the pebble beaches or in the old ville...all in all it was a great trip. I was given some of the best advice a few weeks before I left. I was over the moon about all of the art museums that I would be exploring in Paris. The Musee d'Orsay, famous for its showcase of Impressionist art, was at the top of my list. A very wise person told me to go ahead and give up the notion of seeing every piece of art in the galleries. There is almost never enough time to do that even if you live there, let alone the few hours I would have on my trip. Instead, pick 1 or 2 paintings that strike you. Stay with them, study them, etch it in your memory. Those will be the ones you will have the time to find the meaning, feel the artist, and take with you when you go. This, of course, was one of the paintings that I stood in front of for 20 good minutes and soaked in.
I love it. I love the snow, I love the peaceful serenity it exudes. I love the bird resting on the magpie. I love the twisting branches of the trees. I love the footprints leading off to goodness knows where.
This is one of the things I am really looking forward to when we are in England and France in August. Of course, I can do this just down the road at the NC Museum of Art. But things are just 10 times more exciting abroad, right?!?
Now, go to an art museum and try it.
I dare you.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Falling for Friday
Here's a few things I've been gushing over this week. Obsessed you ask?...maybe. ;)
First, my dream office. The wheels are officially turning to update the office upstairs. I love the neutral black and white with the pop of lime green. I wonder what I'll have to barter to get Wesley to let me replace that ridiculous mammoth black office chair for something much more you think chocolate chip cookies would work?!? Second, this statement necklace. I've been wanting one since I read Ashley's outfit post this week. Third, the Eiffel Tower art. Look familiar? It's one of the reasons I fell in love with that office. I feel a DIY Pottery Barn knock-off post coming to you very soon... Four, these mugs. Aren't they adorable? Mugs are my favorite, and this DIY idea was too cute. Five, some metallic thong sandals. Perfect for the warmer weather.
Happy Friday friends!
Linking up with Kelly
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Spring Panel Art
You know I'm on a panel art kick right now. Ever since I made my first one, I've been itching to make more. It's just so easy to crank out! Spring has inspired some perfect subjects.
Here's the one I've got on display now....
Want to make one yourself?
Well, here's the tutorial here, and below is the inspiration for the spring silhouettes.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Spring Birds
I think I have subconsciously developed a bird fetish. Without purposely trying, birds have popped up in several rooms downstairs. Well, now that I think about it.....
I fell completely in love with the pillow at Pottery Barn and had to have it...
and then there was that birdcage that was on sale at Micheals with the irresistible fleur de lis on the top...
and then I remembered those beautiful dessert plates we got as a wedding gift and thought they would look great on display on the kitchen shelves....
Is it spring yet?!?
My house sure seems to think it is!
I also love these bird-inspired things that I have pinned recently...
So stunning!
Love this art
Great quote...and always love panel art
This would be so cute on a mantle, hutch, or dining table!
Linking up here
Monday, March 4, 2013
Grocery Bag Holder {DIY}
I don't know about you, but I am a sucker for cute storage options. All of the plastic grocery bags that we save where hanging in a giant wad in the pantry and I could not look at it another second! My mom has one of these grocery bag holders that a friend got her on a trip to Switzerland (I know, right?!?), and I really wanted one for our house.
When I remade my old messanger board into a calendar frame, I missed the toile fabric in the kitchen. I had to find a way to bring it back! It was perfect for this project. I'm such a sucker for toile. And the kids in this print are too cute.
Here's how I made it:
My fabric measured 21" x 18"
Lay your fabric out wrong side up.
On the longest sides of the fabric, measure out 1/4 of an inch and fold the fabric.
Iron it, then fold it over again (above) and iron it again.
Pin it!
And sew up the sides. Leave the shorter side for now, you'll take care of them when you sew the holder closed.
Next, you'll need elastic. I got this kind:
With elastic, the smaller the piece you cut, the tighter the closure will be. In order to know how much elastic you will need, you have to stretch it. I held on end with one hand, stretched it, and where the stretched elastic met the other end, I cut at that point.
Un-stretched, my pieces were 12.5 inches
You'll need two pieces, one for the top and one for the bottom
Fold each piece in half and mark the fold with a marker. I used a black sharpie, since you won't see the elastic once it is all together.
Pin one end of the elastic to the edge of the wrong side of the fabric. For mine, I put the elastic 2 inches from the top to create a ruffle.
Fold your fabric in half, matching the ends together, with the wrong side of the fabric facing towards you. Pin the middle of the elastic (perfectly displayed by the mark you just made) to the fold of the fabric. Remember to pin the elastic as far down from the top edge that you did on the side in the step above.
Now, pin the other edge of the elastic to the other edge of the fabric. Keep it the same distance from the top as your other two pins and on the wrong side of the fabric. Repeat attaching the elastic on the bottom of your fabric. Once you have attached the elastic, it'll look like this:
Kind of funny, right?!? When you sew it, you'll have to stretch the elastic with the fabric...demonstrated below...
I am pulling with each hand while I am holding the fabric and elastic. It is a little tricky to start. Don't try and hold the fabric end to end, do it by small sections. In the picture above, I was able to control the stretch by holding it at one end and at the midpoint. I am pulling with both arms in opposite directions to stretch it out, and then slowly feeding it through the machine. Set your machine to zig's the strongest stitch to attach the elastic with.
Once you've attached both pieces of elastic, flip it over and admire your work. Ta-da!!
To sew it up together, flip it wrong side out again and fold it in half, right sides together.
Use pins to help you match up the edges together. Because of the elastic, it is not going to fold perfectly, as you can see above.
Now, sew up the side! I left a good width to ensure that I would get the elastic in the seam.
Once you've done that, trim up the edge!
Flip it right side out, attach a small piece of ribbon, twine, lace...whatever your heart desires...and you are done!
So much cuter!!
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