Friday, September 28, 2012

DIY Fall Favorites - Themed Plates

My October posts will be dedicated to my favorite DIY projects for fall that were inspired from my Pinterest pins.  I'm kicking it off early with one of my favorites:

These DIY plates were inspired from this pin.  

I used a brown Sharpe instead of a porcelain 150 pen, since these were going to be display only.  And of course, selections of Harry Potter instead of The Raven were much more in keeping with our household. (Any guesses on which books these are from??)

If you are lucky, you can find the plate stands at the Dollar Tree too, but they were out the second time I went (I knew I should have gotten more than one!).  AC Moore has them for like $2, so not too shabby.

I am so happy with how my fall kitchen display turned out! 


  1. Stopping by from Ashley's link up. I love those plates! Doing a selection from Harry Potter was a great choice. Gotta love Pinterest!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. OH I love it!!! And Harry Potter?? Makes me love it even more!


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